Have you ever felt lost in a decision that you had to make? Has God ever called you to do something you felt you were unable to do? If so then this is for you....so please read on. And if not, well read on anyway because it is possible that you will one day face this. Let me remind you that God hears our prayers, they are like a sweet incense lifted up before Him. So we need to be careful that we are not praying for things we are not prepared for. Some of my brothers and sisters know what has been going on in my life for the last few months. I am about to share it with you in hopes that it will help you navigate a situation that may be similar. I remember praying, "Here I am send me!" for awhile now. I did not have any place in mind. I just wanted to be used by God for his kingdom. So that was my prayer. God eventually began to send me on some intense missions here in Sheridan.....seemed like he might have been testing my faith I believe. Getting out of relationships, leavi...