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Showing posts from March, 2025

Where My Story Meets God's Story!

  Walking with God is not easy. In fact it is a process. A process that has taken me about ten years and still is not easy. I struggle with it daily. Sometimes I struggle to believe the things that are written in the Bible. Sometimes I think those things are written for other people, just not for me. I love the Lord but sometimes I get confused. I know what it says but it seems to contradict itself. Where do I fit in to all of this? How am I supposed to live my life to please God? So many questions are always going through my head. As I attempt to find answers, I just wind up more confused. I seek godly counsel, and hear things like, “Be still and know that He is God,” or “Just trust Him.” I would say, “Okay! I can do that!” Then I get home and cannot seem to figure out how. I know there is a lot of pride in me. That sometimes pretends that I have it all figured out. People will ask me questions and I give them answers like, “Just trust God.” or “Be still and know that He is the Lo...

Tomorrow Never Comes

 Does God ever just give you a verse? One that just resonates with your heart? It constantly stays on your mind as you try to figure it out? Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom. That's the one. It has been one that pops up time and time again.  I hear it. I read it. But do I truly understand it?  As I was watching a movie today, laid up on my couch, the Lord brought this to me again. The movie I was watching was "Finding Faith." It has been a hard couple weeks for me, but then these problems seem so small compared to others. In this movie, this ladies mother died of a sudden stroke that left her in a coma. BOOM. Teach us to number our days.  We all like to pretend that we are in control of our lives. We make sure we wear our seat belts. We don't drive in poor weather conditions. We don't go down dark alleys at night time. We carry bear maze when we go hiking. We buy guns for protection.  BUT.... We are not in contro...