Walking with God is not easy. In fact it is a process. A process that has taken me about ten years and still is not easy. I struggle with it daily. Sometimes I struggle to believe the things that are written in the Bible. Sometimes I think those things are written for other people, just not for me. I love the Lord but sometimes I get confused. I know what it says but it seems to contradict itself. Where do I fit in to all of this? How am I supposed to live my life to please God? So many questions are always going through my head. As I attempt to find answers, I just wind up more confused. I seek godly counsel, and hear things like, “Be still and know that He is God,” or “Just trust Him.” I would say, “Okay! I can do that!” Then I get home and cannot seem to figure out how. I know there is a lot of pride in me. That sometimes pretends that I have it all figured out. People will ask me questions and I give them answers like, “Just trust God.” or “Be still and know that He is the Lo...