Does God ever just give you a verse? One that just resonates with your heart? It constantly stays on your mind as you try to figure it out?
Psalm 90:12 So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts to wisdom.
That's the one. It has been one that pops up time and time again.
I hear it. I read it. But do I truly understand it?
As I was watching a movie today, laid up on my couch, the Lord brought this to me again. The movie I was watching was "Finding Faith." It has been a hard couple weeks for me, but then these problems seem so small compared to others. In this movie, this ladies mother died of a sudden stroke that left her in a coma. BOOM. Teach us to number our days.
We all like to pretend that we are in control of our lives. We make sure we wear our seat belts. We don't drive in poor weather conditions. We don't go down dark alleys at night time. We carry bear maze when we go hiking. We buy guns for protection.
We are not in control. We do not get to decide if we are blessed with another day.
So what happens if I die unexpectedly tonight in my sleep? Or you have a sudden stroke tomorrow morning? What happens?
Some of us know, some of us think we know, some of us just don't really care, some of us are too afraid to think about it.
Teach us to number our days....
The Lord is showing me how our life is nothing but a vapor. Here today and gone tomorrow. During prayer the other night as I was praying...a question popped into my head. If you died tomorrow, and you were standing in front of God and He asked you, 'How did you use the life I gave you?' What would be your response?
Then it began to hit me. And this would be MY response. "Well, I was going to speak to that man struggling with cancer, thinking about ending his life but I was too busy. I was going to help that mentally insane woman on the street, but I was too afraid. I was going to read my bible with my dying aunt, but I was too selfish. I was going to help that woman with rent that would be homeless if she did not pay it, but I did not want to have to go without anything until the next payday. I was going to do Bible study with the 13 year old missing her mom, but I was too tired. Or there is always excuses like, I need to clean my house, I have to take my dogs for a walk, I have to go shopping, I have to do laundry, I have to get to work. These are such frivolous things. "
So I can apply my heart to wisdom....
As I am writing this I cannot help but to think of Ecclesiastes. Solomon was a King who literally had everything this world could offer. He was rich, earthly wisdom, people loved him, he was the king, son of King David. But he found no value in any of it. The things that he learned was how important it was to fear the Lord. That there was a huge difference in earthly wisdom and godly wisdom. That there was nothing he could have that would make him happy outside of God. That sounds like true wisdom to me.
So often I think we tell ourselves, "I'll so that tomorrow." Back when I was using drugs, I had this joke, "Tomorrow never comes for people like me." I said this because I would say I was going to do something but then I would spend that next day looking for my next high, or getting high and doing nothing productive. But now that saying has a different meaning to me. Sometimes tomorrow just does not come for some people. It's a sad truth, but it is truth. A truth we need to face. A truth we need to prepare for. I do not mean to go out and write a will of testament, or stay indoors trying to prevent it.
It's time to get serious about what really matters. And what really matters is that we live our lives the way God intended. God never intended us to sit inside and watch TV all day, to just go to work to pay bills and survive, to store up all this money, to have nice things, any of this.
We are made to love the Lord with all of our hearts, minds, and souls. And to love our neighbors as we love ourselves. My pastor says that it is THE HEART BEAT OF HEAVEN.
My prayer for everyone reading this, that the Lord would teach you to number your days that you may apply your heart to wisdom. That we would not put off until tomorrow what needs to be done today. That we would be able to get our priorities straight. We would no longer avoid things because they are uncomfortable, scary, or unknown. Lord, help us to live the way you intended us to live. Help us to hear you call Lord and no longer ignore it. Open our hearts to accept you.
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