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Lost and Found

Have you ever felt lost in a decision that you had to make? Has God ever called you to do something you felt you were unable to do? If so then this is for please read on. And if not, well read on anyway because it is possible that you will one day face this.  Let me remind you that God hears our prayers, they are like a sweet incense lifted up before Him. So we need to be careful that we are not praying for things we are not prepared for. Some of my brothers and sisters know what has been going on in my life for the last few months. I am about to share it with you in hopes that it will help you navigate a situation that may be similar.  I remember praying, "Here I am send me!" for awhile now. I did not have any place in mind. I just wanted to be used by God for his kingdom. So that was my prayer. God eventually began to send me on some intense missions here in Sheridan.....seemed like he might have been testing my faith I believe. Getting out of relationships, leavi
Recent posts

What do you FEAR??

 Lately I have been thinking. Ouch....I know! 😂😂😂 In the last blog I wrote about some "fake" Christians or "lukewarm" Christians. The ones that seem to worship with their lips and not their hearts. They are out there. All around us. I was there for about 6 or 7 years until I truly surrendered.  What makes the difference I wonder?? What has the power to change a lukewarm Christian to a on FIRE🔥🔥🔥 Christian? "So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth." Revelation 3:16  And we all know that God is not a liar. So why do we pretend that He is. We tend to walk around acting like only some of the things in His word are truth. I feel like we pay more attention to the things that feel good, rather than the things that seem to scare us a bit. Of course we all know and love verses like John 3:16 "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosoever believeth in Him shall not perish

What percentage are YOU???

 Today I was at my Thursday women's connect group. We had a missionary join us for the day. She showed us some  statistics. Only about 10% of the people in the entire world are truly Christians.  Then there are about 20% that call themselves  Christians but are not actually following the Lord. About 40% reject  hearing the Lord. And the last 30% have never heard about the Lord.  That was really sad to hear. I thought about the "fake" Christians and it just broke my heart. They might actually truly believe that they are doing it. Or they might just be trying to escape hell. These would be the people who come to church and listen to the word but do not do it. And I feel like somewhat, they are part of the reason why the 40 percent are not open to hearing about Him. But I cannot just blame them. Could it be that the 10 percent need to step it up? That we need to make sure that we are correcting the 20 percent. Showing them where they are in error! Or maybe that we are not co

Eat, Drink, and Be Merry

  Have you ever heard something at one part of the day  and it kind of resonated with you but you just went on  with the rest of your day? Then later that day you hear  something of the same thing?  That happens to me all the time.  This is how I know God is trying to talk to me. There are no sure things a coincidences. If this happens to you, PAY ATTENTION! God is trying to tell you something.      I am bringing this up because I feel like it is a message that the church needs to hear. I have been feeling led to write this blog for days now, but have ignored the leading. Today I sat down, turned my computer on, only to learn that the battery had stopped working completely. I knew in my spirit this message needed to go I went to WalMart to buy a new computer. The enemy knows this is how I share what God teaches me, so he attempted to stop it, but he did no prevail. Now I am sitting at my kitchen table with the power of the Holy Spirit in me and we are going to write this blog.

Rest sounds GOOOOODD!!!

 A wonderful friend of mine has invited me to start studying the Book of Hebrews with her. It has been amazing. The Lord has really blessed us in it. This last week we did Chapter 4. Which was a lot about rest. And then our Guest Pastor Tim Morrow spoke on resting with the Lord on Sunday.  I don't believe there are such things as a coincidence.  At church he was talking about entering into the Lord's rest. Which comes at the end of our run.  God has created rest since the beginning for us. The Israelites could not enter it because they were disobedient to the Lord.  Hebrews 4:6 NLT So God's rest is for the people to enter, but those who first heard this good news failed to enter because they disobeyed God.  My KJV says they failed to enter because of their unbelief. Unbelief or Disobedience?? I found this extremely interesting, maybe just because I am a nerd for the Word of God. In Numbers 14:3-4 (NLT), Why is the Lord taking us to this country only to have us die in battle


 Within the last, eh, maybe 6 months, I've been having some dreams about winter.            The first one was actually a dream. I was in a forest or on the mountain maybe, I was with somebody else, and I was going to have to start walking. It was literally a winter wonderland. There was feet of snow on the ground and the beautiful snow was falling from the sky. It was honestly a beautiful scene. But as I was about to start walking, a beautiful white horse came. I got on the horse and we just rode off, leaving the person I was with back there to walk. It was such a peaceful dream, I did not really think too much of it.  So we go on a few months, and this time it was more like a vision. I was not asleep when it happened. I was in the car and just closed my eyes. I saw snow falling on a dark grey background. There was nothing else. Just snow falling. And this one felt urgent, it honestly made me feel a little uneasy. Not at all peaceful like the first one was.  God was urging me to lo


 The last couple days, the Lord has really been laying on my heart, TIME!  Today, I was cleaning my apartment building, which I clean for rent money so I can work towards paying off debts. I was making all these plans to deep clean it this week. Which would take like 4 days of cleaning. Yes, I want to do it, but God convicted me for these plans.  I spend MOST of my time doing vain things. I clean, I work, I walk my dogs, I bake, I eat, I read, I watch t.v, ALL OF THIS IS VANITY! What a waste of time. Am I doing anything for the kingdom of God? Yes, I do a lot of studying the bible (which is really important) but what else do I do?  I go to church on Sundays, usually do about 3 group studies a week, I take kids to church/celebrate recovery. Which are all good things. Yes. But the Bible does not tell me to do any of those things. I have been wasting God's precious time. Wow, I am so sorry Lord. I'm repenting of this.  Colossians 3:23 And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to th