I see a lot of people in life trying to figure out what their calling is. What they were meant to do here on earth. What their purpose is. If they even have one.
If you are TRULY with Christ, then you have laid down all the old things, and are starting to put on the new things. It can be a very hard time in life. Everything you have believed, thought, ever told yourself, come to know, all of it is gone now. Losing all of that can be hard. Humans seem to have to have an identity and we tend to put it into those types of things. What do we do when we lose our identity???
Well, we have to search for a new one. As you might have heard a few times before, we have to find our calling.
CALLING-What is that even? We are so worried about finding our calling in life, but do we really know what it means.
Looked it up online and this is the definition I found...
A calling is a strong inner impulse toward a particular course of action. It may be accompanied by conviction of divine influence or influenced by what one is good at, what one loves doing, and what the world needs. A calling can take many forms and lead to different vocations, professions, or trades.
Uh, well that sort of sounds like that one phrase that we hear all the time. You know the one I am talking about. That dangerous one. FOLLOW YOUR HEART! Yea, that's the one.
My God in Jeremiah 17:9 says, "The heart is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked: who can know it?'
NOW I know, as a Christian walking with the Lord, it is not what I love doing. Because when I am operating outside of Christ, I love listening to bad music, drinking, smoking, fornicating, all of these things. But one thing that I have always loved, is kids. I do not know why I have always been drawn to them. They are so much simpler that adults. They love you deeply and always tell you the truth! I have drawn towards them more than adults for my entire life. Thinking that because that is what I love and what I am good at, THIS has to be my calling. Working with youth is it!
THE PANIC, THE FEELING OF BEING WRONG, THE DREADFUL FEELING OF DISAPPOINTING GOD. It can be so overwhelming sometimes. Not even joking, when we, or at least when I start thinking about it, it can eat me alive if I let it.
SO...Of course, we come to the question.
How does one know his/her calling for sure?
In church and Bible study, I keep hearing this phrase and it means a lot to me right now. " You are not the main character" The youth today come up with all sorts of slang terms, and sayings, I have not really caught on to one until I heard this one. I'm sorry some of them are just crazy. Like right now, I have this girl at work that it obsessed with "Bougie" and when I had her sister, it was "Slay". None have stuck out until I heard this one.
We are not called to be the main character of this story. So, if we are not the main character, then who is?
1 Corinthians 10:31 Whatever you do, whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.
God wants to be the main character. Are we going to let Him be? Are we going to set aside our plans, our dreams, our ambitions that are lifting ourselves up and start lifting up the Lord. Stop seeking that next promotion that glorifies us. Stop seeking that next award or degree that only glorifies us. Stop seeking that that perfect credit score that glorifies us. Stop seeking that fancy car (or should I say Bougie car) that glorifies us.
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