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I go through my days feeling like I am not enough. In every area of my life. 
I don't have nice enough clothes, my car isn't good enough, I don't get out enough, I don't speak well enough, I am not nice enough. Just constantly beating myself up. MEMAMEMEMEAME. BLEH!

But what is strange about this, is that I do not even truly care about this stuff. Really, I don't!!!I know other people care about it though, so that makes me care about it. Such a horrible, ugly truth!! One of those truths that you want to keep in and never let it rise to the surface. People say that it is good to care about these things, but I think I disagree. 

In this last year, I find myself thinking that I am not enough when it comes to living for the LORD. 
I don't speak up enough, I don't spend enough time in the Bible, I don't pray for people enough, I don't understand enough, I don't go to enough Bible studies. 

I still keep these things rolling around in my head no matter how many times God tells me.....


God does not expect me to be perfect. He knows that I am a broken sinner who is incapable of doing this life without Him. He just wants me to realize that HE IS ENOUGH! 

I don't have to be the best; I don't have to live up to other's expectations; I don't have to do everything perfect all the time. It's okay to admit that I do not know something, that I cannot do something, that I messed something up.  


If I was perfect, I would not need God. So, I need to stop trying to be perfect. Because I WANT to NEED God! 
Trusting that God will one day make me perfect (fully mature) in Him because that is what the Bible tells us. 

I work with children and love my job. I want so badly to just share Christ with them all because I know that God is a miracle worker who can change any situation, break every chain and stronghold, set them free, repair families, heal the broken hearted, make a way where there seems to be no way!!
I do not have a lot of spare time outside of work. I try to hang out with some friends, take care of my dogs, do bible studies in that spare time. BUT...Because I do not GO OUT and preach the gospel, I think to myself that I am not doing anything for God. 

Today God reminded me what I do at my work. He told me that was my mission field. Every time I draw a cross that says Jesus loves you in the drawing book of a girl that has no relationship with God, I am doing God's work. Every time, I remind my boss that our kids are not doomed because God is a miracle worker, I am doing God's work. Every time, I remind a kid to read the bible or pray, I am doing God's work. Every time I share a bible verse with a struggling kid, I am doing God's work. Anytime I give a hug to a child that is crying, I am doing God's work. Every time I show up with a smile on my face, I am doing God's work. Anytime I get to take a child to church, I am doing God's work!

I cannot let my silly little expectations define what God sees. He sees what I am doing, when I only see what I am not doing based on what other people are doing. 
It is only human nature to compare ourselves with others. But when we do make those stupid little comparisons, we are stopping the Holy Spirit from working in us because we are telling God how he should be working. We have to remember God's ways are not our ways. And what He created for one person's walk, was not created for our walk. 




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