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What percentage are YOU???

 Today I was at my Thursday women's connect group.

We had a missionary join us for the day. She showed us some 

statistics. Only about 10% of the people in the entire world

are truly Christians.  Then there are about 20% that call themselves 

Christians but are not actually following the Lord. About 40% reject 

hearing the Lord. And the last 30% have never heard about the Lord. 

That was really sad to hear. I thought about the "fake" Christians and it just broke my heart. They might actually truly believe that they are doing it. Or they might just be trying to escape hell. These would be the people who come to church and listen to the word but do not do it. And I feel like somewhat, they are part of the reason why the 40 percent are not open to hearing about Him. But I cannot just blame them. Could it be that the 10 percent need to step it up? That we need to make sure that we are correcting the 20 percent. Showing them where they are in error! Or maybe that we are not completely operating in God's power. 

I believe that God gave us His power, to help Glorify Him. When He is being glorified correctly people will want to know Him. We have the same power that raised Christ from the dead living inside of us! THE 10% NEEDS TO BELIEVE THAT! When we feel just too exhausted to continue, when life is weighing on us heavily, or when the enemy just will not quit. THE SAME POWER THAT RAISED JESUS FROM THE DEAD LIVES IN US! Right now, I can say that but sometimes it is hard for me to actually believe it and that holds me back from operating in the power of God. 

Those numbers are awful.  I began to think about it more when I got  home. Of course we want to see a radical change in those numbers. This lady was going to go help with that! Which is amazing. But one person cannot do it all. 

Matthew 9:37 Then saith he unto his disciples, 

The harvest truly is plenteous,  

but the workers are few. 

So how do we work to help God change those numbers, Because we know that it is not us that can change the numbers but only Him through us. The word says that it does not matter WHO plants or waters, but that God gives the increase. This may sound to some like it's all up to God. But what I get out of this verse is that there HAS to be someone who is going to plant and water. We can be that someone. We SHOULD be that someone. 

God is going to send laborers, and He will find some that say YES to Him. Do not let your time pass you by! Say YES GOD I AM WILLING SEND ME! We don't want to be known as the lazy, lukewarm Christian that does not want to do the work. 

Sometimes it can be hard to get out of your comfort zone. This is something that the Lord and I are working on right now. I do not want to miss hearing, WELL DONE GOOD AND FAITHFUL SERVANT just because I was to afraid, or I was too comfortable where I was, or I just thought someone else will do it, or that everything else is more important.

I have spent so much time sticking to my schedule because it is comfortable. Because it is what I know. And any time something disturbs that I honestly start to panic. But with the Good Lord and His amazing Faithfulness and Grace, I am starting to get out of my comfort zone. It started little. Talking to people that I do not know. Speaking about God to people who are close to me regardless of what they are going to think. Putting in my 30 day notice at my job which was my entire life and identity. And now just readying my heart to say I WILL GO WHEREVER YOU WILL CALL ME! 

While typing a word keeps coming to me...


My prayer for all of us is that we would begin to prioritize God's work above all else. Help us to truly believe that we have God's Spirit dwelling in us and that when we are weak, He is strong. The Lord would help us to realize what is important. Not a bigger house, not a newer car, not going to the next football game but sharing the Word of God, being a witness of Jesus Christ. Help us to know that we can witness with the same power the disciples did. Increase our faith Father God, that we can go out and preach, heal the sick, raise to life the dead, cast out devils and so much more. Even if it's at our school, our job, in our home, at our church, ect. It does not have to be what the world views as a mission these days, our mission could be wherever we are.

I am starting to realize that God is not going to send me out until I can prove myself faithful here with what he has given me. So let me not be a slacker today. Let me not leave it for the next guy. Let me not put it off until tomorrow. Let me not prioritize vain things above it. Let me not be lukewarm. 

Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because He hath anointed me to preach the gospel to the poor; He hath sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to preach deliverance to the captives, and recovering of sight to the blind, to set at liberty then that are bruised. 




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